Hotel in Devin
General information about Hotel Veronika
Hotel "Veronika" has 10 double rooms and 1 apartment. For the convenience of our guests the hotel has lobby bar with Viennese salon and restaurant. In the restaurant you can enjoy the authentic atmosphere of the Rhodope mountain and to try typical specialties of the region. For pre-order may provide a program of Rhodope bagpipers and soloists.
Location of Hotel Veronika
Hotel "Veronika" is located in town Devin. Near the city there are many unique natural attractions for tourists, such as Devil's Throat cave, Yagodinska cave, Trigradsko Gorge, caves Haramijska, Orpheus hole, Kestenska cave, nature reserves Shabanitza, Kastraklii, Kazanite, the rock formations Roman Kemerov Bridge and the Elephant.
Amenities in Hotel Veronika
In the restaurant you can enjoy the authentic atmosphere of the Rhodope mountain and to try typical specialties of the region. For pre-order may provide a program of Rhodope bagpipers and soloists.
Lobby bar
Photos from Hotel Veronika
Prices for accommodation in Hotel Veronika
To offer accommodation in hotel Hotel Veronika, please use our reservation form or contact our operator by phone +359 2 865 02 57, +359 878 432 423, +359 878 811 636.
Terms of accommodation in Hotel Veronika
Hotel "Veronika" has 10 double rooms and 1 apartment.
Policy of the hotel
Children up to 4 years
Children up to 12 years
50% of the adult price
Check in after
14 h.
Check out before
12 h.